
A look at the OC-ALC Strategic Plan: Objective 3.1 Enhancing Leadership Skills and Business Understanding

  • Published
  • By Oklahoma City Air Logistics Complex
  • Strategic Planning
The Oklahoma City Air Logistics Complex Strategic Plan guides people to focus on activities that will enable the organization to be successful today and into the future. The Strategic Plan does this by focusing on three major Priority areas:

· Developing and Caring for Our People,
· Exceeding Customer Expectations, and
· Capturing Tomorrow's Business.

Within each Priority reside individual Objectives. This article will be taking a look at Priority 3's Objective 3.1, Enhancing Leadership Skills and Business Understanding.
This particular Objective is focused on leadership development that fosters an understanding of their business processes and the integration between both them and their stakeholders. Everyone benefits from this investment in leadership. Your overall leadership ability ultimately determines ones effectiveness and its potential to empower and inspire the organization. By raising this level of leadership, organizational clarity is strengthened.

Knowledge is power. Many have not had much of an opportunity to plug into any type of continuous leadership development or interactive training to help educate and empower their knowledge base. With leadership development, people learn to not only own the problem, but also the solution to it. Leadership development creates a competent workforce that understands the organization's purpose. Leaders learn to create a culture of added value by communicating the worth and potential of all employees so clearly that they are inspired to see it in themselves.

This is where Enhancing Leadership Skills and Business Understanding comes into play. Objective 3.1 seeks to remedy these issues by drilling down and identifying root causes thus putting into place effective initiatives that will begin to close the knowledge and understanding gaps. Let's focus on just a few of these particular initiatives and provide a bit more insight into how they will play a key role in the future professional development within the complex.

Jump Start Change: This briefing focuses specifically on how to cultivate organizational change using the key tenants of continuous process improvement. Specific topics covered include: Implementing a Plan, The 3 Step Approach, Finding the Believers, Finding the Rocks and Growing Your Leadership Team. JSC is currently being rolled out to most Flights within AMXG, with a long term plan to take it to all groups within the complex.

Soft Skills Learning for Leaders: This course is designed to address the skills that enable leaders to set visions, build relationships and teams, and influence others. The course work is based on current leadership research that points to a leader's people/social skills; communication, emotional intelligence, and other personal attributes, as being far more crucial for organizational and career success. In our ever changing workplace, employees today need trust, compassion, stability and hope from their leaders. Successful leaders are those that know how to get along with people and are best able to respond to these needs. This course (one for first level and one for second level and above) is mandatory for all complex leaders and can be scheduled through a training manager.

In the coming weeks, the OC-ALC team will continue to unpack the additional individual Objectives that reside within this Priority. Their hope is that this will begin to give greater insight into how each person can begin to "Find Your Fit" in the Strategic Plan and enable the OC-ALC to continue to achieve the "Art of the Possible."