Tinker's Community Action Team is a team of helping agencies ready to deliver human service programs in a collaborative effort to contribute to the resilience of Team Tinker's total force Airmen, Civilians, retirees and family members.

Get Help Now

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255

Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: call or text 988. Chat online: 988lifeline.org

Veterans Crisis Line: 988 (then press 1) or Text: 838255. Chat online: MilitaryCrisisLine.net

Chapel: During duty hours: 405-734-2111
After duty hours: 405-734-7313

Domestic Abuse Victim Advocates (DAVA) 24-hr hotline: 405-256-2825

Employee Assistance Program (EAP): 1-866-580-9078

Family Advocacy Program (FAP): During duty hours: 405-582-6604
After duty hours: 405-734-7313

Mental Health Clinic: During duty hours: 405-582-6603
After duty hours: 405-734-7313

Military Family Life Consultant (MFLC) 24-hr hotline: 405-432-6311

Sexual Assault Prevention Response (SAPR) 24-hr hotline: 405-734-7272

Medical Services

Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment
(405) 582-6605 / DSN 852-6605
The ADAPT program provides substance abuse screening, assessment, education, outpatient treatment, and post treatment support. Treatment may include psycho-educational groups, individual therapy, and group therapy. Individuals with needs beyond the capacity of existing ADAPT resources will be provided with the appropriate referral, but will be case managed by the ADAPT Clinic.

Drug Demand Reduction Program
(405) 734-2253
The Drug Demand Reduction Program provides employment and randomized drug testing to the Military and Civilian members associated with Tinker Air Force Base. The office is also open to support commanders and base population with drug education opportunities as needed.

Exceptional Family Members Program (Medical)
(405) 582-6025
The EFMP provides assistance to active duty personnel whose family members need special medical, educational, or psychological services. Enrollment is mandatory to assure the family will always be assigned to a base with required support services.

Family Advocacy
(405) 582-6604
The Family Advocacy Office is the Tinker AFB point of contact for child and spouse maltreatment reporting and treatment. It is mandatory for all Tinker AFB personnel to report suspected family maltreatment to Family Advocacy.

Health and Wellness Center
(405) 734-6575
Mission: Cultivate and support a fit and healthy force.
Vision: Recognized experts in delivering proven, targeted strategies optimizing health and resilience to meet mission demands.
The HAWC offers programs to support a fit and healthy lifestyle for you and your family. After all, healthy individuals are more resilient.

Mental Health
(405) 582-6603
Psychiatry and Counseling services available to active duty service members. Non-active duty beneficiaries may call the toll-free TRICARE number for Value Options at 1-800-700-8646 and select the option for "Mental Health Assistance," for mental health or substance abuse information.

Equal Opportunity

Negotiation and Dispute Resolution
(405) 736-2151
The NDR Program offers many types of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) such as: mediation, facilitation, structured negotiation, or other problem solving techniques, or any combination thereof. These forms of ADR increase the parties’ opportunities to resolve disputes prior to or during the use of formal administrative procedures and litigation.

Equal Opportunity
(405) 739-7889
The Equal Opportunity Office provides training, conducts limited inquiries, processes informal and formal complaints, conducts formal complaint clarifications (military cases only) and coordinates complaint investigations. They also provide human relations training, guidance in formal and informal equal opportunity and treatment complaints processing, perform unit climate assessments, Out & About visits, and provide awareness training on subjects relating to human relations (i.e., cultural diversity, sexual harassment and team building.)

Employee Services

Civilian Health Promotion Services
(405) 582-6817
The mission of Civilian Health Promotion Services is to promote healthier lifestyles for civilian employees at Tinker. The program goals are to improve the health and wellness of our civilian workforce by motivating behavior change, providing the voluntary opportunities for employees to monitor their own health by providing educational programs to develop the knowledge and skills employees need to make the necessary wellness changes. CHPSsupport@us.af.mil

Employee Assistance Program
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) offers counseling and/or problem solving services at no cost to civilian government employees. www.afpc.af.mil/EAP

Employee Relations
(405) 739-2262
Employee Management Relations provides employee relations assistance and advisory services to supervisors and managers serviced by the 72 FSS/FSMC Civilian Personnel Office.

Community Resources

(405) 734-2111
The Base Chapel provides spiritual care in faith groups and workplaces and offer opportunities for the free exercise of religion. Complete worship and religious education programs for Protestants and Catholics are provided. The chapel is also the point of contact for Jewish, Muslim, Orthodox and other faiths.

Integrated Prevention and Resilience Office (IPRO)
(405) 734-3600
The installation’s Integrated Prevention and Resilience Office (IPRO) focuses on the Total Force’s resiliency, quality of life and their ability to withstand, recover, and grow in the face of stressors and changing demands to accomplish the Air Force mission. We work empower leaders to build healthy climates and create environments free from abuse and harm through implementing evidence-based prevention activities. IPRO aims to increase protective factors by providing trainings and bringing awareness to issues of interpersonal violence and self-directed harm (suicide prevention). Our Community Action Board (CAB) and Community Action Team (CAT) meetings are maximized as opportune times to address the needs of ALL Tinker members (military, civilians, and their families)

School Liaison Officer
(405) 734-3683 / (405) 739-2747
The School Liaison Officer (SLO) serves as the Tinker AFB point-of-contact for all military child education matters. The SLO develops and coordinates proactive partnerships between local schools (public, private, charter, and home schools) to provide information and referral to families with school-age children. Provides services for military families including tailored relocation assistance, support during deployments, and assistance with the overall challenges of a mobile military lifestyle.

Domestic Abuse Victim Advocate (DAVA)
DAVA Domestic Abuse Hotline 405-256-2825 (24 hour)
The DAVA is your resource to domestic violence services on base and in the local community. The role of the DAVA is dependent on the needs of the victim. The DAVA is available 24/7 to answer questions, assist in locating services, help a victim write a Protection Order, attend court hearings, VPO hearings, and other services as requested and available. The DAVA is available to military personnel and their spouses or intimate partners who are victims of domestic violence.

Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program

Location: Building 1, Door 6, Room 2B

Office Phone Number: (405) 734-9293

24 Hour Hotline: (405) 734-SARC (7272)

SAPR's mission is to prevent and respond to sexual assault/sexual harassment through a balance of focused education and compassionate advocacy in order to promote respect and dignity throughout the Air Force. The SAPR office provides advocacy for victims of sexual assault/sexual harassment and are available 24/7 to support. Restricted and Unrestricted reporting options are available to eligible personnel.

Oklahoma Info


Hobby Hub LogoTinker Hobby Hub is a one-stop shop for military personnel of all branches can join special interests groups and hobbies as a way of increasing social connections. These connections serve as entertainment, support, resources, networking and other means to increase a sense of community throughout the base. Email 72ABW.CVB.TinkerHobbyHub@us.af.mil for more information on how to join!