(405) 734-2111
The Base Chapel provides spiritual care in faith groups and workplaces and offer opportunities for the free exercise of religion. Complete worship and religious education programs for Protestants and Catholics are provided. The chapel is also the point of contact for Jewish, Muslim, Orthodox and other faiths.
Integrated Prevention and Resilience Office (IPRO)
(405) 734-3600
The installation’s Integrated Prevention and Resilience Office (IPRO) focuses on the Total Force’s resiliency, quality of life and their ability to withstand, recover, and grow in the face of stressors and changing demands to accomplish the Air Force mission. We work empower leaders to build healthy climates and create environments free from abuse and harm through implementing evidence-based prevention activities. IPRO aims to increase protective factors by providing trainings and bringing awareness to issues of interpersonal violence and self-directed harm (suicide prevention). Our Community Action Board (CAB) and Community Action Team (CAT) meetings are maximized as opportune times to address the needs of ALL Tinker members (military, civilians, and their families)
School Liaison Officer
(405) 734-3683 / (405) 739-2747
The School Liaison Officer (SLO) serves as the Tinker AFB point-of-contact for all military child education matters. The SLO develops and coordinates proactive partnerships between local schools (public, private, charter, and home schools) to provide information and referral to families with school-age children. Provides services for military families including tailored relocation assistance, support during deployments, and assistance with the overall challenges of a mobile military lifestyle.
Domestic Abuse Victim Advocate (DAVA)
DAVA Domestic Abuse Hotline 405-256-2825 (24 hour)
The DAVA is your resource to domestic violence services on base and in the local community. The role of the DAVA is dependent on the needs of the victim. The DAVA is available 24/7 to answer questions, assist in locating services, help a victim write a Protection Order, attend court hearings, VPO hearings, and other services as requested and available. The DAVA is available to military personnel and their spouses or intimate partners who are victims of domestic violence.
Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program
Building 1, Door 6, Room 2B
Office Phone
Number: (405) 734-9293
24 Hour
Hotline: (405) 734-SARC (7272)
SAPR's mission
is to prevent and respond to sexual assault/sexual harassment through a balance
of focused education and compassionate advocacy in order to promote respect and
dignity throughout the Air Force. The SAPR office provides advocacy for victims
of sexual assault/sexual harassment and are available 24/7 to support.
Restricted and Unrestricted reporting options are available to eligible