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Judge Advocate Office

72nd ABW Shield

The Tinker Judge Advocate Office provides legal services to all active duty personnel, military dependents, retirees and their dependents, and members of the Guard and Reserve on active duty orders.

Hours of Operation: Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m., Wed: 1 - 4 p.m.

Active Duty Members & Dependents: Legal Assistance is available by appointment only. Please call (405) 739-5811 to schedule an appointment.

Guard and Reserve: Call prior to going to the legal office to check your eligibility for legal assistance, notaries and powers of attorney. Some services may only be available when the member is on Title 10 orders.

Retirees & Dependents: Legal Assistance is available by appointment only. Please call (405) 739-5811 to schedule appointments.

Notary & Power of Attorney Services
For Powers of Attorney and Notary, the Base Legal Office is accepting walk-ins. However, you may be able to save time and accomplish some of the paperwork ahead of time by calling ahead first.

Legal Assistance and Wills
Active Duty Members, Dependents, and Retirees must schedule appointments for wills. Please call (405) 739-5811 or contact the JA workflow at 72.abw.ja.workflow@us.af.mil

Legal Assistance is provided in a wide range of areas including:
· Family Law Issues
· Wills & Living Wills
· Special Needs Children Issues
· Landlord - Tenant Issues
· Debt Collection
· USERRA Rights for Guard/Reserve

JAG Legal Assistance services are not limited to these areas. If you have a question regarding a topic not listed, contact our office to see if we can be of assistance.

Limitations on Legal Assistance
Legal Assistance JAGs cannot represent you in court or in administrative proceedings. We also cannot provide assistance in the following areas: Issues involving personal commercial enterprises; Law of Armed Conflict issues; Official matters in which the U.S. Air Force has an interest or is involved in the final outcome; criminal matters; questions regarding the USAF Standards of Conduct; or matters requiring representation in court.

Criminal Assistance
Contact the Area Defense Counsel at 405-739-7713 (DSN 339-7713) if you have questions regarding criminal issues under the Uniform Code of Military Justice or state / federal criminal law, or questions regarding Air Force Standards of Conduct and unprofessional relationships.

PCS Related Household Goods Claims
The DD Form 1840 / 1840R (pink form) must be submitted to the carrier within 180 days after delivery of a household goods shipment. This process can now be done online at  https://claims.jag.af.mil. The online process only applies to Air Force sponsored moves. Questions regarding the new process may be addressed to the Air Force Claims Service Center at 1-877-754-1212 (24/7 customer service line).

Click on Smooth Move information regarding full replacement value of household goods damaged during a move and information regarding damage to personally owned vehicles. If you require additional assistance, contact the legal office at (405) 739-5811.