Traffic Weather Construction Banner

Please note: The information on this page, including construction completion dates, is subject to change without notice. For the latest updates, follow Tinker AFB on Twitter and Facebook.

Gates & Hours

  • Gate Hours Map - Current as of Nov. 18, 2024 (PDF)

    Link to Tinker Gate Hours Map

Traffic Advisories

No significant traffic advisories at this time.

  • Click for Utility Outages


    • No significant outages to report at this time


    • No significant outages to report at this time


    • No significant outages to report at this time


    • No significant outages to report at this time


    • No significant outages to report at this time


    • No significant outages to report at this time

Base Weather & Reporting Status Info

  • Please Note: updates are only made if the operating status changes from "Open."
    During significant weather events, base officials monitor weather conditions and any changes to the base's operating status will be reported. The following outlets will be updated when the operating status is anything other than OPEN. Please, do not call base operations, the Tinker Command Post or security forces for weather or operating status information. Explanations for what each status means are provided in the drop-down menus below. The base operating status is determined by Tinker leadership between 3-4 a.m. for the day shift and assessed throughout the day for all other shifts.

    You do not need an active Facebook account to view Tinker's Facebook page, but if you wish to receive automatic updates in your "news feed" you need to choose to follow Tinker. To follow Tinker on Facebook, you must also have an active Facebook account. The Facebook address is To fully engage click on the "sign up" button on the top left of the page. You may also click the "like" button and you'll begin receiving Tinker updates on your news feed as soon as something is posted.

    You do not need an account to view Tinker's Twitter page, but to receive automatic text alerts, you must subscribe. To subscribe to Tinker's Twitter feed you must have an active Twitter account and choose to "follow" @Team_Tinker. This will allow you to receive short texts from Tinker on the operating status or anytime something is posted. To subscribe go to: and click on the "sign up" button on the top left of the page. To receive SMS/text messages, send message to Twitter with the following text "follow Team_Tinker." For help, visit this section of the Twitter help page.Tinker

    Straight Talk Line
    The Tinker Straight Talk line, used for weather updates, can be reached at 405-734-TALK (8255). Please note that in the interest of getting weather information to people as quickly as possible, our social media pages will receive weather updates BEFORE the Straight Talk line. Visit the Tinker Facebook page or Tinker Twitter page to see all updates.

    Local Media
    Tinker AFB also reports significant weather status updates to local media. For a list of closings in the area, visit your local news station web sites. Links are available below.

    If in doubt concerning base operating status, please contact your supervisor or leadership. See below for explanation of current operating status.

    (Air Force Link Disclaimer)