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  • Daily Update: 21 April 2020

    For 21 April, Tinker AFB remains in HPCON Charlie due to the COVID-19 pandemic. #TeamTinker has demonstrated incredible resiliency and strength during our response to COVID-19. Our 72d Headquarters’ installation team, Chief Master Sgt. Melissa Erb, Command Chief, Mr Bob Sandlin, Director of Staff

  • Air Force postpones boards due to COVID-19 restrictions

    The Air Force is postponing promotion boards for the CY20B Colonel Biomedical Sciences Corps and Chaplain; CY20C Lieutenant Colonel Chaplain and Nurse Corps; and CY20B Chaplain Central Selection Boards, originally scheduled to convene June 8.

  • Message from AFSC Commander on COVID-19 Posture

    AFSC Teammates-- As you are well aware, our nation continues its response posture to the COVID-19 pandemic.  As commander, I understand the burden our workforce is facing both at work and home due to school closures and other community impacts.  Within the larger Air Force strategy, AFSC leadership

  • Tinker AFB is now in HPCON Bravo

    Tinker AFB is now in HPCON Bravo.  We have zero confirmed COVID-19 cases at Tinker.  Following is a list of installation actions we are implementing to protect our Tinker community: - Canceled Events:  All non-mission large gathering events greater than 50 attendees are canceled until 11 May in line