TINKER AIR FORCE BASE, Okla. -- Guidelines for on-base trick-or-treating were released Oct 20 by the Tinker installation commander.
Trick-or-treating will be held from 5 to 8 p.m. Oct. 31 and is open to base housing residents only.
“As of today, on-base trick-or-treat is on,” said Col. Paul Filcek, 72nd Air Base Wing commander. “Because the CDC has acknowledged outdoor events are significantly safer than indoor, we can make this much-anticipated event happen safely, as long as everyone participating adheres to CDC and 72nd Medical Group Public Health guidelines.”
Rules for trick-or-treaters:
• Travel in single-household groups, no co-mingling of families
• Maintain 6 to 10 feet of distance between households and others who do not live with you
• All participants must wear face coverings when approaching homes or other families
• Only one family per house at any time and others must wait for the family in front of them to leave
• Stay away from homes that are not clearly participating
Rules for participating base housing residents:
• Turn on your porch/exterior lighting, and set up a table or stand in the driveway/sidewalk. No handing out candy at your front door.
• Must wear face coverings (gloves encouraged) when handing out candy
• Provide only factory wrapped candy (no homemade goodies)
• Place candy in child’s container with outstretched arm. Do not allow self-service
Participation by housing residents is voluntary and trick-or-treaters should only visit homes that are clearly participating, where residents are outside to greet trick-or-treaters, Filcek said.
Parents are encouraged to bring hand sanitizer to use between housing stops.
Filcek said the event may be canceled if coronavirus cases on the installation spike or Health Protection Conditions change. To keep that from happening, the commander urges personnel to, “keep our guard up and continue to strongly emphasize safe behavior management: masks, distancing, and cleaning.”
“Let’s make this a fun and COVID-safe Halloween event for our children this year,” he said.