TINKER AIR FORCE BASE, Okla. -- Col. Michael Tiemann, 72nd Air Base Wing vice commander, was the keynote speaker during the annual Moore Chamber of Commerce Military Appreciation luncheon May 18, 2021.
“It is awesome to see the room fill up as a symbol of renewal after a year of the corona virus,” Tiemann told the crowd. “I want to tell you how grateful we are to be part of this wonderful, in-person event and be welcomed back out in the community with all of you.”
Like most organizations, the Moore Chamber of Commerce had to cancel last year’s event due to COVID-19. Each year, the luncheon pays tribute to currently-serving and retired military personnel in observance of May being National Military Appreciation Month.
Former and current military members accounted for most of those in attendance, and when asked to stand, over a third of the crowd rose to represent their military status.
“To see so many folks stand up, as current or former members of our military, is a testament to the vital connections between Tinker and our local supporting communities, like here in Moore,” said Tiemann.