Action Line: Questions about Hruskocy gate

  • Published
  • By 72nd Air Base Wing
Q: I have a safety concern regarding the traffic during peak hours at the Hruskocy gate; mainly in the morning. For two weeks after the gate opened, slips of paper were handed out to drivers to use both lanes whenever possible; I guess to alleviate traffic. Since then, I've followed those instructions. Not everyone does. People tend to use only the right-hand lane, creating a long line. When I see that, I use the left hand lane and pass vehicles to prevent traffic from building up in the right lane. On certain occasions, I have people honk at me, like I'm in the wrong. I've also come across some vehicles that tend to straddle both lanes, preventing passage. In one instance, I had a driver follow me to my parking space and voice derogatory remarks. When I tried to approach the vehicle to explain, they drove off. I'm a pretty mild mannered person, so when people block me off, I just wait. But, I have three questions: Has the policy changed? If it hasn't, can there be a sign posted to address use of both lanes? Does state traffic law apply here, concerning centerline white stripes, which allows use of both lanes? 

A: The 72nd Air Base Wing civil engineer has re-surveyed the site and the jersey barrier alignment. A new alignment has been developed to maintain both lanes of traffic to the gate, rather than reducing the two lanes into one lane. CE is working with Oklahoma County personnel to get this planned barrier realignment approved and implemented. It is estimated that this effort will be completed within the next 90 days.