5th MRS mission: improve Air Force

  • Published
  • By Brandice J. Armstrong
  • Tinker Public Affairs
They work by the Latin phrase, "A posse ad esse," meaning "from possibility to reality." Situated in Bldg. 201W, 5th Manpower Requirements Squadron personnel spend day-in and day-out ensuring the Air Force runs as efficiently as possible. And, despite the sometimes unpleasant reality 5th MRS personnel stay positive, knowing they are making the Air Force better.

"First and foremost, the 5th MRS is here to support the global war on terror," said Maj. Paul Burger, 5th MRS commander. "Our members stay focused on the standards they are developing, knowing the standards are used by commanders to justify the manpower needed to accomplish the mission."

The 5th MRS, which is assigned to the Air Force Manpower Agency at Randolph Air Force Base, Texas, completes their mission by studying quantitative Air Force manpower standards. Their results justify the number of people, both military and civilian, it takes to do a specific job. For example, the squadron may develop a manpower standard for bases with the logistics readiness squadron's fuel management organization. Based on their results, the Air Force can restructure those units, keep them as is or add more personnel.

Additionally, the unit, made up of approximately 40 personnel, also studies the number of people required for jobs taking into account the number of personnel deployed from that organization. In this way, the 5th MRS ensures the ability of the organization to accomplish its home-station mission.

The 5th MRS's primary customer is the Director of Manpower, Organization and Resources, but the unit also supports Air Force Materiel Command initiatives. To date, the squadron has 11 ongoing studies. The 5th MRS is currently studying the Air Force's flight test squadrons, the foreign military sales programs and the acquisition and sustainment units.

Major Burger said studies can take three months to a year to complete, depending on their complexity and the number of bases involved.

"Every day is a little bit different," Major Burger said. "Personnel in the squadron routinely interact with customers throughout the Air Force to accurately identify their processes in preparation for developing manpower standards."

Once a study is completed and deemed a standard, the results can directly affect Tinker. "Tinker is a full-service base so any Air Force manpower standard developed could be applied to the organizations at Tinker Air Force Base," Major Burger said.