It only takes a minute to choose a healthy snack for your child

  • Published
  • By Wendy Knowles, RD/LD
  • Tinker Health and Wellness Dietitian
Oklahoma ranks among the top 20 in childhood obesity with 15.4 percent of our children being overweight. That minute you spend making a healthy choice could prevent these statistics from getting any higher. Snacking is an important part of a growing child's meal plan. Making snacks healthy can help prevent obesity and the associated health risks. 
   Overweight children and adolescents are more likely to have risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and Type-2 diabetes. These are adult diseases that are now affecting our children due to obesity. 
   Snacking on chips, candy, and soda add extra calories and very little nutrition. Keep your home stocked with healthy snacks such as fruit, low fat cheese sticks, wheat crackers, low fat milk, graham crackers, and low fat yogurt. These snacks are nutrient dense and not calorie dense.
   Teach your child how to read a food label to understand a proper snack serving size. 
   It only takes a minute to teach a child a lesson good for a lifetime.