Last contracted C-17 aircraft LAIRCM upgrade leaves Robins

  • Published
  • By Joseph Mather, 78th Air Base Wing Public Affairs
  • 78th Air Base Wing Public Affairs

The functional test team at the Warner Robins Air Logistics Complex has completed the final contracted Large Aircraft Infrared Countermeasures upgrade to a C-17 aircraft at Robins Air Force Base, Georgia, this last June.

The 562nd Aircraft Maintenance Squadron completed the LAIRCM upgrade in 12 days.

The LAIRCM system is a defensive system for large transport aircraft that combines a Missile Warning System and infrared laser jammer countermeasure system to protect the aircraft from infrared guided threat missiles.

Justin Starley, 562nd AMXS Electronics Integrated Systems Mechanic supervisor, said the LAIRCM upgrade is known as a Block 30, which is a standardized upgrade for all C-17 aircraft.

“The Air Force started installing the LAIRCM about twelve years ago,” he said. “Now we're taking that initial install and standardizing it across the board to the same block.”

Starley was part of the initial team to start the upgrade.

“I was an avionics technician and part of the initial team that stood up. We had the tooling, manpower – everything needed to begin the mod upgrade in 2020,” he said. “Now I am the section supervisor. I have seen the install upgrade take 30 days in the beginning; now we have it down to seven to 12 days, depending on the availability of flight crew.”

According to Starley, his team is preparing for the Beyond Line-of-Sight system upgrades installations to C-17 aircraft next year.

“Installation of this system is required to support future growth requirements for high-speed data and communication,” he said.

Starley said they have mixed emotions with the departure of the final contracted C-17 aircraft LAIRCM system upgrade.

“We're excited to see the last aircraft get the upgraded LAIRCM system and sad to see it go,” he said. “But we're excited to start gearing up and preparing for the Beyond Line-of-Sight mission that is planned to arrive in 2025.”