
Satisfied customer praises Gerrity, staff

  • Published
  • By 72nd Force Support Squadron
  • Customer
The staff at the Gerrity Sports and Fitness Center received an anonymous comment card from a very satisfied patron Oct. 21. The comment card said:

To whom it may concern:

I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude to the Gerrity fitness staff, in addition to sharing my experience at the Gerrity Fitness Center over the last six months.

Here we are, a MIL married to MIL couple, with two rambunctious toddlers. I work nine hour days, my husband works 12s, with TDYs mixed in. Our children attend the Child Development Center, with a 10-hour max time allowed at the CDC per day. Needless to say, we are busy with work and taking care of our children.

At this point, six months ago, I was 60 pounds overweight. I had been going to unit PT five times a week. I had already lost about 30 pounds of "baby weight." I was dieting, giving 100 percent at PT sessions, etc., but the weight wasn't coming off anymore; I had hit a plateau. I still had another 60 pounds to lose. I had my PT test coming up in another six months, and I just needed something extra to help me attain my weight loss goals. And this is when I decided to utilize the resources that the base has to offer. The Gerrity Center had fitness classes during my lunch break. So I took this as my opportunity to get fit.

First class I tried was kickboxing. The instructor, Tiffany F., was extremely personable, and helpful. I have never done kickboxing, but I thought it would be a good cardio class. The class was very easy to follow, but extremely hard!

I have taken aerobic classes at other bases over the last eight years, and I have never, ever had a fitness instructor as good as Tiffany. For example, Tiffany showed everyone who was new to the class the basic moves, and throughout the workout, she would give pointers and comments to make sure you were doing the workout properly. She showed a full range of levels (low impact, high impact) and actually cared about me and what goals I had wanted to accomplish. Tiffany even took time at the end of the class to see what I thought, and talked to me about what fitness goals I had for myself, and easy ways to attain them. At that moment, it was like she was becoming more of a personal trainer than just an "instructor". She cared about my individual needs and goals, and she was asking me because she cared and wanted to help me.

At this point, I decided that this is exactly what I needed to come to, everyday, to attain my fitness goals. I cannot go to early morning classes or late classes that the gyms have because of my kids, but I am able to go work out on my lunch breaks. So the lunch classes were the perfect time for me to get that extra workout in.

I started coming every day, five days a week. Each class, over the last six months, from kickboxing, to pump it, to yoga, has been challenging and effective for my fitness goals. And especially since I already run five days a week, this is something different, and extra that I have been able to add into my workout. The kickboxing has helped me boost my cardio levels, the pump it class has helped me drastically increase my strength and reshape my body. The yoga has drastically improved my flexibility, and strengthen my core, and to relax and distress. And to top it off, I am being instructed by someone who is not only amazing at the classes, but she cares so much about the people in the class, and what fitness goals they are trying to attain. Tiffany has been a driving force for me, time and time again, for going to class every day. I don't want to let her down, and I don't want to let myself down by not going "just because I don't feel like it". Tiffany has held me accountable, and she has helped me with weight loss pointers, and most importantly, helped me with attaining ALL of my fitness goals.

So I had my PT test a week ago. In six months, I had lost 35 pounds, dropped 2 minutes off my run time, lost 4 inches off my waist, and increased my pushups and sit ups by 10. My PT went from failing to an 87 percent. This is the best score I have even gotten in my eight years in the service! And the only reason why I did so well, is because of little bit of drive I had in myself, and the HUGE push, dedication, and commitment from Tiffany. And if it wasn't for lunch classes that the Gerrity has to offer, I know I wouldn't have attained this much of an improvement on my PT test.

And although I still have 25 more pounds to lose, you can guarantee that I will be continuing to go to as many lunch classes as I can make, and especially the ones given by Tiffany. I know that she will help get me there!

So please extend my gratitude to everyone at the Gerrity Fitness Center. Thank you so much for continuing to offer classes during the lunch hour to help accommodate me and my time. And especially to Tiffany, who has made such a huge difference in not only helping me attain my fitness goals, but also for helping me change my life.