CHPS teaches ways to manage stress in life, at workplace Published April 26, 2013 By Tinker Civilian Health Promotions Services TINKER AIR FORCE BASE, Okla. -- Stress is a problem everyone encounters at one point or another. There are multiple types of stress: both good and bad. There are many different times and places people experience stress. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention defines job stress as the "harmful physical and emotional responses that occur when the requirements of the job do not match the capabilities, resources, or needs of the worker. Job stress can lead to poor health and even injury." The American Psychological Association shows that 69 percent of people view their job as a major reason for their stress. There are many reasons that stress occurs at work: tasks, management style, workplace relationships, work roles, career concerns and even environmental conditions in the workplace. No two people experience stress in the same way, sometimes a situation that affects one person will barely affect another. When stress is short term, it is not detrimental to a person's health; however, when it is long term, it wears the body down. Stress can have short term and long term effects. People frequently experience a lot of the short term effects -- such as headaches, difficulty sleeping, difficulty concentrating, mood swings and stomach problems -- on a daily basis. When stressors are resolved, the short term effects tend to cease. However, when they are not resolved, they can often lead to chronic stress which can cause serious issues. Many illnesses can occur because of chronic stress. They include cardiovascular disease, psychological disorders, gastrointestinal problems and impaired immune function. Chronic stress can also lead to thoughts of suicide or bodily harm. It is important to understand how stress affects you, especially workplace stress. The Civilian Health Promotions Services office at Tinker can teach people how to identify stressors in their life and workplace and some simple techniques to manage that stress. CHPS offers a Stress Management series along with other classes to help reduce stress. To learn more about the classes being offered visit or contact CHPS by email or by phone 734.4645.