
ThunderHawks pummel DISA in intramural softball

  • Published
  • By Brandice J. O'Brien
  • Staff Writer
The 72nd OSS ThunderHawks sure know how to start an intramural softball season. On June 14 at Field 1, the team devastated DISA in a doubleheader.

Despite a seemingly promising start, DISA didn't have a chance. The games were over before they started. In the first match-up, ThunderHawks Marc Bradley pitched a no-hitter. In the second go-round, DISA managed just three runs before the umpire ended the game by calling the run rule. ThunderHawks won the first game 15-0, and the second, 20-3.

"Everyone fielded well, including our second-baseman Bryan Lemire who had a remarkable catch and throw to first base for a double play to end an inning," Bradley said. "I wasn't expecting to pitch, but this was a total team effort and great way to start the new season."

Fifteen minutes prior to the start of the doubleheader, both teams showed potential. Wearing blue, the ThunderHawks practiced batting and in matching purple jerseys the practiced throws and fielding balls.

At 5:30 p.m., as the sun shone down and a mild breeze danced through the air, DISA was up to bat. Minutes later, the ThunderHawks had taken over and scored six runs. ThunderHawks' David Kopec scored a single run in the bottom of the second inning.

With a 7-0 ThunderHawks' lead going into the third inning, it would be DISA's last chance to score. When their opponents reached bat, they brought in eight runs ending the game at 15-0.

At the start of the second game, the temperature had dropped slightly and rain spit intermittently. It drizzled on and off through the game.

This time, the ThunderHawks were first up to bat. In that first inning, they scored eight runs, four of which were achieved by two homeruns. The first, hit by Danny Bumb, brought in three runs. Although Bumb's jersey read "D-Bomb," teammate Louis Barone insisted he was called, "the Filipino Bambino." The second homerun, scored by Ben Barker, brought only him home.

Going into the bottom of the first inning, the ThunderHawks were at an eight-run advantage. DISA picked up a single run. In the second inning, ThunderHawk Brent Nichols scored a single run, while DISA was scoreless.

At the top of the third inning, the ThunderHawks led 9-1 and picked up six more runs. But, DISA wasn't about to give up; they scored an in-park homerun that brought home two runners. The ThunderHawks still led, 15-3.

In the top of the fourth inning, the ThunderHawks scored five more runs, including a homerun by Bumb, which brought two runners home.

"The Filipino Bambino is at it again," Barone said.

Although they were given one last opportunity to score, DISA failed to do so and the game ended. ThunderHawks won 20-3.

Within 10 minutes of the game ending, spitting rain turned to torrential downpours.