

552nd ACW helps tell Air Force story in new movie

As a token of appreciation, after filming on the E-3, Lt. Col. Jimmy Warren and Capt. Thomas Ikehara present Michael Bay, director of “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen,” with a framed picture of the E-3 and a flag flown on the jet during a combat sortie. Photo courtesy of 1st Lt. Kinder Blacke.

As a token of appreciation, after filming on the E-3, Lt. Col. Jimmy Warren and Capt. Thomas Ikehara present Michael Bay, director of “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen,” with a framed picture of the E-3 and a flag flown on the jet during a combat sortie. Photo courtesy of 1st Lt. Kinder Blacke.

TINKER AIR FORCE BASE, Okla. -- As the premier airborne command and control and battle management platform in the world, the 552nd Air Control Wing's E-3 Airborne Warning and Control System is frequently needed to support various missions around the world.

One of the most recent missions was particularly exciting: helping Autobots fight off Decepticons in support of worldwide security.

As seen in the newly released movie, "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen," the E-3 AWACS plays an integral role in fighting off the "bad guys" and ensuring the "good guys" reign victorious in the action-packed film.

The E-3 crew is shown in action doing what they do best: providing command and control information to senior leaders to help support national and worldwide security.

This was not the first time the 552nd ACW was asked to participate in a Transformers film. In 2006, the 965th Airborne Air Control Squadron sent a crew to Edwards AFB, Calif., to film for the first Transformers movie, released in 2007.

After using the AWACS in the first film, the director, Michael Bay, decided to include it again in the sequel. In September 2008, Airmen from the 964th Airborne Air Control Squadron, along with a crew of support personnel, travelled to Holloman AFB, N.M., to participate in the filming.

"Mr. Bay was very aware and impressed with the E-3 and what it provides to combatant commanders in theater," said Lt. Col. Jimmy Warren, commander, 965th AACS, and project officer for the Transformers trip.

Colonel Warren was the mission crew commander during the scene filmed on the E-3 AWACS. "Filming the scene on the E-3 was a little stressful with the lights, cameras and recording equipment," he said.

Senior Airman Joseph Dunk, airborne surveillance technician, 964th AACS, agreed. "You hear 'Action!' and your adrenaline gets going a bit, and then you just hope you don't mess up when the camera comes around."

Fortunately, the words flowed easily because the script was similar to what the Airmen would say on a real mission. Mr. Bay worked with the crew to come up with the dialogue. "He let us write our own lines for a more accurate representation," said Capt. Mitchell Mayes, instructor air weapons officer, 552nd Training Squadron.

Thanks to the support of the aircrew, maintainers and Security Forces, the Decepticons were defeated and the mission was a great success.

A free screening of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen will be held Saturday at 7 p.m. at the base theater.