
OC-ALC Strategic Plan: "Developing and Caring for Our People"

  • Published
  • By OC-ALC
  • Objective 3.4 Team
The Oklahoma City Air Logistics Complex Strategic Plan guides people to focus on activities that will enable them to be successful today and into the future.

The Strategic Plan does this by focusing on three major priority areas:
· Developing and Caring for Our People,
· Exceeding Customer Expectations, and
· Capturing Tomorrow's Business.

This article begins a series that will be highlighting the OC-ALC Strategic Plan's three priorities and underlying 11 Objectives. This week is a high-level look at "Developing and Caring for Our People."

The overall success of any business is heavily dependent upon a dedicated and competent workforce. Without the right people, with the right skills, training and education, failure is a guarantee. This fact holds no greater truth than within the OC-ALC.
Some may be thinking, "This sounds good in theory, but what does it actually look like in practice?" Well, thanks for asking.

What this looks like is opportunities for people to develop their leadership skill set through training such as Minutes Matter, DMAG 101, Jump Start Change, etc.
It looks like enhancing technical competencies through training programs provided by vocational partnerships.

It looks like becoming an active participant in promoting a culture of safety via the Voluntary Protection Program.

It looks like enhancing the Continuous Process Improvement and Communication culture through more active and transparent leadership exercising an effective feedback loop made up of all employees.

In the coming weeks, the OC-ALC team will begin to unpack the individual Objectives that reside within each priority, giving greater insight into how each person can begin to "Find Your Fit" in the Strategic Plan and enable the complex to continue to achieve the "Art of the Possible".

More information about the Strategic Plan is available at http://go.usa.gov/Bfmm.