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  • 72nd Medical Group inactivates 72nd Medical Support Squadron

    Surrounded by members of the Tinker Clinic, the guidon representing the 72nd Medical Support Squadron was rolled up, signaling its inactivation during a ceremony held June 2, 2022. The inactivation will have no effect on patient care as the squadron’s personnel and the services they perform will be

  • Air Force stands up Air Force Medical Readiness Agency

    In a ceremony Friday at the Defense Health Headquarters in Falls Church, Virginia, the Air Force Medical Service stood up a new field operating agency, the Air Force Medical Readiness Agency.Lt. Gen. Dorothy Hogg, Air Force Surgeon General, and Brig. Gen. Mark Koeniger, incoming AFMRA commander,

  • Steady and ready: C-130 mainstay of medevac

    Since the Vietnam War, the C-130 Hercules has been a workhorse of aeromedical evacuation, and continues to serve as a reliable platform to move patients over long distances, allowing Airmen to provide critical care in the air, aid in disaster relief efforts, and bring warfighters home.

  • Trusted Care everywhere is not going anywhere

    As the Defense Health Agency assumes authority, direction and control of military treatment facilities, the Air Force Medical Service will remain steadfast on its Trusted Care journey towards higher reliability and Zero Harm.