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  • Command Chief: “The work of the sustainment center is like oxygen”

    In his conversations with Airmen, Schultz makes it a point to address readiness, particularly regarding the pacing challenges the military is facing. He wants to ensure they understand the gravity of the situation and what it may mean in terms of actual conflict.“For years, we operated from a

  • Resilient, ready force focus for new AFMC command chief

    Chief Master Sgt. David A. Flosi assumed the role of AFMC command chief in early October. Excited to serve as the major command senior enlisted leader, Flosi looks forward to the next few years which will offer a myriad of challenges, opportunities and chances to see Airmen achieve and succeed.

  • AFMC hosts command chief orientation

    Air Force Materiel Command held its first AFMC Command Chief Orientation, Sep. 30-Oct. 1 to familiarize new wing and center command chiefs with the overall organizational mission and how their units fit into the bigger picture. The event provided the new enlisted leaders a greater understanding of

  • Drive

    Every Reserve Citizen Airman has a unique story for how or why they started their Air Force careers, but in the case of Chief Master Sgt. Takesha Williams, it was the desire to own a car.

  • AFMC Command Chief to focus on communication, people

    People make an assignment great, not the location, said the Air Force Materiel Command’s newest senior enlisted leader, Chief Master Sgt. Stanley C. Cadell, who is eager to get to know all of the military and civilian Airmen across the command as he settles into his role here.

  • Departing command chief calls for focus on commonalities, shared experiences

    Chief Master Sgt. Jason France is departing AFMC in September, 2018 to assume the command senior enlisted leader position at U.S. Transportation Command, Scott Air Force Base, Illinois. A 29-year Airman, France began his career as a military working dog handler before transitioning into leadership