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  • Tinker to hold mass COVID vaccine clinic March 27

    The 72nd Medical Group has partnered with the Oklahoma County Public Health Department to do a mass COVID vaccination clinic on March 27 for FIRST DOSE of Moderna. The clinic will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. at Bldg. 1094 (the base medical treatment facility). Anyone 18 and older with base access

  • Airman gives back by serving as translator for COVID vaccinations

    If you put a photo to the Air Force Core Values, you may see the face of a technical sergeant from the 349th Recruiting Squadron looking back at you.That face could belong to Tech. Sgt. Hugo Perez, an enlisted accessions recruiter, who not only embodies “service before self” in his job but also out

  • PT test pushed to July, updates to scoring, physical components ahead

    When assessments resume, the three-component fitness test (1.5 mile run, 1 minute of pushups and situps) will be reset with scores calculated on a new three component scoring table. In addition, work is underway to separate scoring into five-year age groups as opposed to the previous ten – for

  • AFMC releases updated telework guidance

    The Air Force Materiel Command has released an updated guide to provide employees and supervisors with a one-stop reference to policies and procedures governing telework activity across the mission set. The 25-page document covers all aspects of telework, to include eligibility, training, pay, leave

  • COVID-19 Vaccines: Changing the course of the pandemic

    A coronavirus is a type of common virus that can cause illnesses such as the common cold, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS).  In early 2020, after a December 2019 outbreak in China, the World Health Organization (WHO) identified SARS-CoV-2 as new

  • COVID-19 vaccine does not affect fertility, immunization experts say

    You're pregnant, or you’re breastfeeding. Should you get a COVID-19 vaccine?That’s a question on the minds of many military frontline health care workers today. The short answer is that it’s an individual’s choice, and military health experts say the vaccine is well worth considering.

  • Tinker prepared for vaccine arrival

    Tinker Air Force Base’s 72nd Medical Group is prepared to deliver coronavirus vaccinations quickly when supplies arrive. According to Department of Defense plans, Tinker’s initial doses will be prioritized for medical workers, emergency services and public safety personnel.